Royal Dansk
Danish Cookies

From Denmark With Love

For over fifty years, our Royal Dansk cookies have brought joy and comfort to homes all over the world. Our crispy, delicate butter cookies are crafted according to fine European baking traditions and packed in our iconic blue packaging to maintain freshness. There is no mistaking the taste of an authentic, deliciously Danish Royal Dansk butter cookie.

Danish Baking Traditions

Our authentic Royal Dansk Butter Cookies are the crispy, buttery delicacies in a classic blue tin often passed around amongst loved ones. Deeply rooted in Danish baking traditions, using only the finest ingredients, our butter cookies' delicate richness captures the spirit of everyday moments, any season, and festive gatherings. Their signature shape, texture, look, and aroma are truly inviting. From the iconic Vanilla Ring to the Coconut Cookie to the pure buttery goodness of the Pretzel, there is something for everyone in the iconic blue tin.

Original Butter Cookies

No matter which delicious style is your favorite, there is no mistaking the one-of-a-kind crispy, melt-in-your-mouth taste of Royal Dansk butter cookies. These moments of enjoyment with Royal Dansk are the nostalgic food experiences you remember your whole life. One bite instantly brings you back to happy memories.

Our Royal Danish History

Since 1966, Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookies have been packaged in, and often served out of, an iconic blue tin. The resealable and reusable tin not only captures the freshness of our cookies but is quintessential to our history. The quaint Danish farmhouse depicted on the front of the tin is named “Hjemstavnsgaard.” It is located on the isle of Funen in Denmark. The farmhouse nods to the Danish baking traditions from which we craft our cookies.